Welcome to Utafiti Journal Website!

UTAFITI is devoted to articles and research information on Tanzania and East Africa primarily, and on development in the Third Word and elsewhere in general. Our subject is to explain what takes place in our environment, why and how, the achievements and problems in various development efforts, and research efforts into possible problem-solving alternatives.



1. Manuscripts intended for publication with Utafiti should be submitted electronically in ‘word’ format, double spaced, with wide margins (at least 2.5 cm on all four sides), as measured on standard A4 paper. This rule applies to the entire manuscript, including the reference list, notes and appendix materials—if any.

Aim and Scope

Utafiti aims at attracting second order critiques of current methodologies and received assumptions across all domains of knowledge production about and within Africa. Papers that interrogate established disciplines are an important driver in determining appropriateness of submitted articles.